Friday, December 08, 2006

APPROVED FOR CHINA 12/08/06 = Life Summary

I finally got the approval from the Chinese government for admission. I have been reading the blog of a 37 yr. old single dude and one of 12 US teachers. His blog is below - it is very realistic and I feel much more prepped based on my "Korean Adventure"


In 2007 I leave for China. I will be at the absolutely beautiful point where the Great Wall of China ends a thye Yellow Sea

Here in the US, I am basically working 40 Hrs a week. About $10 and hour. I generally do Fri 2-10, Sat 2-10, Sunday 8am - 8pm and Monday 2-10pm. = If I do any extra hours I hit full time. I help young adults with mental and handicap disabilties. When I am not worried about my future, I sleep very well when I think about my present. These guys are a beacon on my soul and I learn too much from them to deserve pay. BUT...I will take the money.

I have some major tasks before I leave:
1) Pack personal storage for a potentially multi-annual job
2) Liquidate as much as possible for journey
3) Take care of a monkey

Still in stasis. Hence the lack of creative input. Though I know that "a writer writes, " I prefer to put events in their context and not necessarily in chronological order. This is because my goal with the blog is not to blog my life by simply creating a timeline.

The reason for this is simple.Often, important shit happens at unimportant times. Worse yet, sometimes they happen at times important for different reasons.

We don't get automatic results. Throughout the day we experience events which were set in motion before we even thought to expect them. We make huge mistakes when we fail to stand outside of our moment and "contextualize" a moment based on the intentions that set it in motion. This ability has caused many gender misunderstangs.

All I am saying is that I feel that I can improve as a person. I must strive to become more flexibile in my reception of experience. I strive to see that experience is often an event placed after a nearly infinite number of dominoes have nudged that moment into my experience. I was just there when the rock reached the bottom of the hill.

Beyond Good & Evil?
Perhaps each moment is not an insignificant and valueless manifestation. Perhaps some have the capacity to perceive energies we cannot. Perhaps this capacity is, shall we say, atavistic: The ability to perceive evolutionarily muted alternate perspectoral manifestations. Are they nuts, visionaries...seers?

Faith, pride, myth or flags often lie behind the "instinct" to believe in capacities currently independent of empiracle proof.

Logic is what stands with proof and the empiracle. On this level, the rules of logic become unapologetically excluionary. The members may reach out, but the membrane of logic is not mutually permeable. It's status in the plastic bubble is a definition of the parameters which define its existence. It is not a restriction. It is at all times what we intend it to be. It is, at all times, an open wound that we must continue to operate on. It's pillars must be sterile and immaculate. We must have zero tolerance for any viral dogma or germ infested subjectivity. It's objectivity alone is the one and only granite foundation capable of repelling the undermining of subjectity, dogma, faith and the other vermin that have unerringly underminde evey wall or structure proposed by the hands of men.

Or something like that.

Consistent in isolation
Inconsistent without wanting



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