Thursday, May 11, 2006


You can take the Dork out of Iowa but you can't take the Dork out of me. Having discovered that I was OK for an E5 Visa I had one short second of joy and jumped.

The ceilings in this place are 7 foot. I know white people can't jump, but give us a fucking foot. I jumped and smacked my head on the ceiling. I left a skull sized dent in the ceiling and landed on my ankle and it completely gave out on me. I fell and then smacked my head on the table. FUCK THAT HURT. I took a blow to the top of my head, ankle is now blue again and then I hit my forehead. I got pissed and sat in my internet chair and slipped up to the desk. These bastards are so short that the table cut my knee open. So I walked to the door and hit a fucking door stop nailed into the floor that completely jammed two toes back into my foot and turned the toe-nails blue.

These bastards do not take make virtuous living easy. They have a vending beer and hard liquor machine on each floor that works 24/7. Cigarettes: vending machine. Ephedra drinks that will make your hair stand up: vending machine. Message: speed dial in even the most fancy of hotels. Porn at the 7-11 (that company is the most universal convenience store I know of).



Blogger Stella said...

Ok, I know the jumping/pain thing is not funny, and it hurts, but it was funny.

Thank you for virtuous living. You are my Hero.

I do believe that you should do good and not expect anything back. I do practice that. When you expect something back it is not a good deed. It's prepayment for future services. I practice that as well. ;)

The "Eye for an eye" old testament version was lambasted by Jesus in the new testament. It reads;
Matthew 5:38-42

"You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' But I say to you, Do not resist one who is evil. But if any one strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also; and if any one would sue you and take your coat, let him have your cloak as well; and if any one forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to him who begs from you, and do not refuse him who would borrow from you. " Being Christian means you believe in Jesus and follow his word. Not anything from the old testament. So really, I don't know, or have ever heard of, one good Christian.

People always use "Eye for an eye" as an excuse. As for reading the Bible, I've been through it 3 times. Cover to cover. When the Jehovah witness' come to the door I ask if they've read it. They always say, "Not all of it." I reply, "I have. Come back when you're done." No one ever does. Religion is for sissies. People who need justification for their behavior. It can be twisted any way you want.

I was going to reply to all your stuff, but I am so tired and I need to mow the lawn, take a shower and get to work. Take it easy, get well!!!!

10:28 PM  

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