Wednesday, April 12, 2006

ODE TO MJ 041106

The smoke clears.
Writers write.
Stream of thought, structure or is it all rhetoric?
I don't give a shit.
I want MJ back, that is it.

Stone in a hubcap
Rattles my head
I wheeled her to a hole
With not God to raise the dead

Who moves the dead?
Palm bearers?

I was tanned in my youth
A sun transcended light years to ripen me
I am the fruit of a vine ripened by a dead sun
And I had to carry a star in my hands
I buried my light in the ground
In a nice square box
On the edge of my home town

MJ is gone
And another stone has been found
God gives you an anchor
And dares you not to drown

My MJ is not home
That is not profound
I wish that I could thank her
But her ears are in the ground
I am left with one dead fact
I have monkeys resurrectint on my back
Evolution, devolution: no answer found
But I feel my monkeys drag me to her ground

They put me in her my hands
Only once should a parent bear a daughter
Did your God baptize me?
Or throw me in the water?
My heart and hands are empty
I wish I could have caught her

Her light was all that made me ripe
It is not baptismal water
It is now dew, it's tears I wipe
I was putty to her potter

I feel just like a lump of clay
She followed me like sun and day

Without her I don't know what to solve
Without her I fear that I'll dissolve

Will I dissolve Into the water?
I wish I could have caught her
I miss her so much, I could baptize
The world with tears that flood my eyes

I miss you MJ
You were my only sun
You made me feel OK
I would accept the shame of faith
For the promise of your embrace
I would trade my soul for just one more day

Ode to MJ
Sufficient words I lack
I would bear the shame of faith
If God or Satan could bring you back

My soul, my light, no beauty dawn
No sunrise when the sun is gone
Sobriety just makes me yawn.

No diamond, gold or wealth profound
The only thing that shined for me
Is in a box in my home town
I hope you know our love must be
I put your gravestone in my heart
Please sink with me

And if cold stone granite brings me down
I know I'll find you,
Like you MJ
My heart is underground

Ode to MJ
In heaven fly or hell I burn
I'd give it all for her return

MJ has left the building


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