Thursday, March 30, 2006

Journal: Sex, Korean Food 03/30/06

For a person who remembers his sexual encounters based on who was president at the time, I have little to offer by way of true experience in the ways of sex. Face it, if I got laid 2 times while the same man was president, you can assure yourself a re-election occurred. You know that you have a horrible sex life when you consider the word "buffering" on your computer screen as "foreplay."

With that caveat I offer the following 2 opinions. The second is not based on actual knowledge, but an educated guess.

A) Sex before marriage should be mandatory.
B) Sex before love should be forbidden.

2) Once you go Asian, you will never go Caucasian.*

*I am currently seeking copyright protection of that phrase. I feel my sidewalk sales of that slogan in English on one side and Korean on the other would make me a mint.

Had my second "traditional Korean Dish" today. Koreans cook in a unique way that can best be described as honest. American meat, for the most part, is served in a fashion that disguises the fact that something had to die.. Eyeballs, skin, bones and the semblance of a living creature are normally disguised by dividing the meat into "ribs, breast, ground beef, chops...Etc." Chicken is the only exception, and even that is often disguised under breading.

My experience so far is that traditional Korean dishes tend to be a huge bowl with a primal hunk of meet in the middle served in a natural broth with. The dead creature in your bowl is easy to distinguish. The connection between your meal and the thing that died is quite forward.

My first dish was "beef soup." The beef dish was wonderfully tender meat, but they left the skin & fat on the beef. Basically it is piece of cow chopped with a traditional big square "butcher knife." The part of the cow does not really seem to be the issue. My guess is that it is relatively random. The broth was wonderfully unique because we do more skinning. When you remove the outside 2-3 inches of the animal before you cook it, you cut away a part of the meat that has a unique flavor. American food does not have that.

My second dish today was "ginseng Chicken." It is a big bowl of broth with onions, Vegetables and rice. In the middle is a large "Cornish Hen" sized chicken. Nothing remove but head and feathers. It is truly a big dead headless chicken floating in a huge wooden bowl. It was wonderful.

My conclusion is that most American meat is designed to distance people from the reality that the food on their plate was once a living creature with feelings and a desire to live. Our discomfort with that causes us to portion the meat so that our participation in the slaughter is "easier to swallow" (pardon the pun). The butcher in the US serves the same function that corrupt businesses serve the Mafia. Businesses launder money to disguise the fact that the money is the product of crime. Batches launder "meat" to disguise the fact that the meat is the product of death.

Bed time. Peace. KDF


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're talking to somebody who hasn't had any since the day she found out she was pregnant---I had Asian----REMEMBER his name??? No, I'll never go Asian AGAIN!!!!! Thanks anyway!!! J/K!~

9:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once you go Asian, you will never go Caucasian???
What about one of these?
"Once you go kin, nothin's a sin"
"Once you go cousin, your shorts will be buzzin"
he, he, j/k

11:02 AM  
Blogger Stella said...

I can't say much about going without sex. Women always have choices...and I choose not to go without. :) But Asian food! When I was in Cambodia I couldn't get over how good the food was. I've craved it ever since I got back. I've learned how to cook it now and found the one Cambodian restaurant in town. But I remember the first bowl of soup I had there. They cut up the chicken, bones and all. God, it was good.

8:25 PM  

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