Tuesday, March 07, 2006


I know that people eat this and live. I have always felt that I could adapt, but I opened this up and the smell literally caused me to lose my lunch. I have put things in my mouth that will go with me to my grave. This will not be one of them. I don't know if these are like to be eaten like chips or dipped in a sauce, but I had to spray cologne and open the windows just to get the smell out of my apartment. WHY...why in the hell would you need this. It was right by peanut butter and jelly. I will fill you in if I find out what the hell this is for, but they are everywhere so I thought that kinda like other things I was afraid to eat: not too pretty to look at, kinda fishy, but not so bad once you got your nose wet. HOWEVER, I CAN'T EAT THIS.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


If you need a care package, let me know. Love you!!!


1:40 AM  
Blogger Stella said...

Eeeew! Can't wait to find out what you're supposed to do with that!

10:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey kelly dont understand why you wouldnt eat that when you bragged about eating Joan the way you did, near as I can tell they smelled about the same.........and then there was Nikki, need I say anymore........he! he! He!......just razzin ya bro

7:30 AM  

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