Sunday, March 19, 2006


Alan Watts is famous for his lectures on Taoism (pronounced Dow' ism for my English friends). I have been using ebooks to educate myself while my hands are busy but my mind is free. Folding laudry, cooking, cleaning are menial tasks. They are also an ideal oppotunity to gain wisdeom. In reality I have seen many who see the two as mutually exclusive. What a waste of time and opportunity.

I listen to Ebook/ Audios all the time. My favorite quote of the day is ralated to Taosim. it states as follows:

Those who say do not know and those who know do not say.

Cool idea. Peace. KDF


Blogger Stella said...

What Ebook/ Audios? I need new imput!

9:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved hearing from you yesterday--got ahold of the PUC for you, and Steve said, "no problem, he understands." Call again soon!!!

6:34 AM  

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