Saturday, February 11, 2006



The sky reflects in my home town
Words theology throws around
Words were reason can’t be found
Veils and collars do the rounds

The streets are still hard beyond version street
Beyond the point where Mormons meet
Beyond the path where dwellers dig
Beyond the structure judging rig
Where we drill for fuel
To burst the flame of heaven’s dual
To melt resistance with wicked ohms
We bring this version to our homes

The trees aren’t dead beyond this scene
Shrubs still grow and grass is green
Perverts are there and still obscene
The good are good and the bad are seen

The sky is eternal beyond version street
The stars still guide the 7th fleet
The waters flow and fish still swim
It’s not the point where death begins
It’s not where desert vast and dry
Is the only scene to meet the eye
Visions flow from every view
Lovers love and dreams ensue
People still know what to do
Without the eye
Do you?


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