Saturday, February 11, 2006



I never knew what I wanted
Until I knew it wasn’t mine
I never missed anything
Until it was not there in a bind
I never knew the ones I loved
Until I pushed them away
If I don’t fear tomorrow
I fear I’ll give up on today

And I ain’t no hero someone
I can barely stand myself
So I can’t be your trophy
But I’ll stand on your shelf

I don’t mind gathering dust
So long as I’m well displayed
As I’ve always found getting drunk
Easier than getting laid
And the strings on my guitar
Have already been paid
So they always let me touch them
Until I just drift away

And that sleep is my hero
Brings a mute to my muse
Because to be quite honest
That boy tends to abuse
And though the loss of my god
Has left me dismayed
Though my soul gathers dust
It is still well displayed


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