Saturday, February 11, 2006



Passions like a cascade of my memories
Flights and burrows resound within the mind
And memories so disjunctive and distorted
What are the casualties that bind?
Faces fade and touches trade for fantasies
Distances exponentially inflate
And find a friend, like rubies in a minefield
What are the fuels that help domesticate?

Silhouettes dissolve and stir the night
Shadows hang like suicide pioneers
Martyrs pile like token souvenirs
Paperweight that keeps the soul from flight
Feet bleed, yet no Mecca destination
The blisters, like our brethren, so sincere
Boils the blood or soothes their indignation
For the rest, bleeding becomes a career

Foul fly and wing above the shingles
Roofs confine an aviated soul
Destiny is not that the king singles out
Those who are the fire
And those who are the coal


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